Wednesday, September 22, 2010 & Cheryl Tweedy, Together Afresh In The Studio!

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If you admired their plan on 3 Words, get accessible for even added collaborations.

According to sources, Black Eyed Peas frontman is currently alive with Cheryl Tweedy on her new album, Messy Little Raindrops. Reportedly, they secretly laid down some advance while Cheryl was visiting El Lay beforehand in the month.

A abutting antecedent to the rapper says that Will "can't accommodate his excitement" over alive with Cheryl afresh and has been "gushing" over how acceptable all their advance are.

If all things go to plan, we'll get to apprehend these agitative advance by the end of the year. Again we'll acquaint you what we think!

Till then, we just achievement Cheryl isn't alive herself too hard! We wish to see a bout on top of a new album!!

Read More: & Cheryl Tweedy, Together Afresh In The Studio!

Celebrity Juice, Not from Concentrate

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