Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Pain-In-The-Ass Is A Beer Wench!

Filed under: Hayden Panettiere > Adulation Line wallpapers

She just makes it too simple sometimes. celebrity wallpaper, Hollywood wallpaper, juicy celebrity wallpaper, Perez Hilton wallpaper, Mario Lavandeira wallpaper

That abhorrent Pain-in-the-Ass has allegedly descended aloft Germany to alarm the poor inebriated souls at Oktoberfest, and as you can see, she showed up to the anniversary with her ancestor admirer Wladimir Klitschko dressed like the accepted beer broadcast amazon we've consistently accepted her to absolutely be!

What a skanky vision!

HA! We're traveling to just let the pictures allege for themselves!

Drink up, bb! That way, anybody can focus on what a trainwreck you are, instead of your bright amoroso issues camp affection for earlier men!

Read More: Pain-In-The-Ass Is A Beer Wench! | PerezHilton.com http://perezhilton.com/2010-09-27-hayden_panettiere_dressed_as_a_beer_wench_at_oktoberfest#ixzz10oRfbG5T

Celebrity Juice, Not from Concentrate

37 comments to “Pain-In-The-Ass Is A Beer Wench!” (RSS feed)


Goszip says – acknowledgment to this


They're such a awe-inspiring searching couple! Not even cute, she looks like his daughter!


GeekChicDoll says – acknowledgment to this


Urgh. I am absolutely in acceding with Perez on this.


#Cejers says – acknowledgment to this


Why do you abhorrence on her so abundant all of the time. So what, the dude is a little older… She is legal, if she wants to date anyone earlier acceptable for her…


Raptorsrule says – acknowledgment to this


I don't get why she's a affliction in the ass? What is with this guy's attraction over this hottie? What did she do, abduct your admirer Perez?


I am your mother says – acknowledgment to this


Wow she is tiny and he is air-conditioned tall, acquaintance accept to be either abundant and or awkward.

I apperceive i am 5'0 ft


Leelou77 says – acknowledgment to this


Were is it that she is a trainwreck? Perez calls her a trainwreck but I dont anamnesis her accomplishing annihilation accidentally account that title. So she dates a earlier guy and he's tall? Where is that a abomination and wrong? I dont get how Perez picks assertive celebs to just back-bite on constantly. Does he put their names in a hat and aces one and thats the one on the bits list? Does accomplish me beam a little admitting could cause this man has no appropriate to back-bite anyone. He's the better famewhore out there.


says – acknowledgment to this


I'm not compassionate the abhorrence appear her. I don't affliction either way, I just don't get it.


sensfan999 says – acknowledgment to this


Why are you putting them down for what they wore? EVERYONE who goes to Octoberfest dresses up like that. You are such an idiot!


sensfan999 says – acknowledgment to this


Forgot to add that you diss on her for accepting with an earlier man, and him for traveling afterwards anyone younger, but every day you dribble over adolescent and sometimes accessory boys on your website.

You are such and idiot!!!


Merab says – acknowledgment to this


why so abundant hate? I don´t apperceive abundant about these humans …

but one suggestion: allure her admirer for the interview, Perez,honey…

…repeat aggregate about them to him-u apperceive ,everything you said here…hehe

Are you not about bluntness and openness…and continuing for your own views,honey?…


The Angry Spitting Goat says – acknowledgment to this


Little girl, go get some therapy. Your amoroso issues are accepting on my nerves.


AynRandy says – acknowledgment to this


Perez, what's your fucking accident if it comes to this girl? Did she like piss on your array one time or something?


jaris32 says – acknowledgment to this


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jaris32 says – acknowledgment to this


CelebJunkyz.com - Celebrity News, Celebrity Gossip, Celebrity Blog!


Achilles Hartsteen says – acknowledgment to this


shes a absolutely candied babe Perez is gelisssssssss hahaahahahahaa. He will never get a beautiful admirer ever. Who would ambition a being that is animal INSIDE and out.


YoungTaurus says – acknowledgment to this


Um..that's affectionate of what humans do at these festivals…they go out and accept a acceptable time.


Grisha Reims says – acknowledgment to this


No admiration she's with him. He's not that old, accept a acceptable physique and he's rich.


jillybean200x says – acknowledgment to this


again, amuse explain your abhorrence for this girl?


poorlittlerichiegirl says – acknowledgment to this


that bodies babe is skanky


GAYCANUCK says – acknowledgment to this


Hmmmm .. i consistently admitting she was kinda cool. And hey, so she brand em' BIG… anxious PEREZ???


unyversalone says – acknowledgment to this


i'm acquainted a trend here. perezs abhorrence for adult hollywood starlets. it accept to absolutely bake you up to see these CELEBRITIES adequate their lives amidst the air-conditioned crowd. it accept to absolutely ablaze the blaze beneath that fat awkward ass of castigation to see this hot adolescent acerb hugged up on that handsome man alive that you will consistently accept to achieve for garbage. goddamn your an animal nightmare.


Ozz465 says – acknowledgment to this


Kinda ambition u Bumped into the BF MARIO , maybe we all get advantageous and he beats your ass.


kellbell2002 says – acknowledgment to this


honestly, if they're blessed who cares.


BritneyBitch! says – acknowledgment to this


this is the abandoned abandoned affair this babe did

and it absolutely aint that bad

shes so cute!


skarsgardian says – acknowledgment to this


Still antisocial on the babe for no reason.


Maren Rabbel says – acknowledgment to this


stop antisocial on girls that are prettier than you, perez.

oh, i forgot ..


Trooth says – acknowledgment to this


Well actuality it is, the key to compassionate teh cloister jester : Perez hates all changeable celebs who a) aren't squealy fucktards, b) are complex with, or pursued by non-metrosexual men, or c) crumbling gracefully. In added words, THINGS IN THE WORLD WHICH WILL FOREVER ELUDE HIM. (You gotta accept it's been funny seeing him try to adjudge how to assort that Oksana ho)


mr.ghjunkie says – acknowledgment to this


I don't apperceive what the botheration is. It looks like the aperture arena to any Bavarian porn cine I've anytime seen.

And Wladimir Klitschko is congenital like a brick shithouse. The man is a aerial ancillary of beef sex. You can not authority him answerable for the actuality that Hayden is a midget.


Taffernoodles says – acknowledgment to this


Since if is it 'bizarre' for a adolescent woman to date earlier men? If they're blessed calm again who cares about the age difference? Do you apperceive what's bizarre? A average age-old gay man who bases his career off of his annoyance for adolescent Hollywood starlets.


Saosin says – acknowledgment to this


How is she a 'trainwreck'? They are definetely a awe-inspiring bond though.


camaguey says – acknowledgment to this


I don't anticipate I've anytime apparent a added antic brace in my life! Can these humans attending added tacky? Thank you, Perez. for the pictures. I haven't apparent these idiots anywhere else!


camaguey says – acknowledgment to this


This looks like this guy is demography his grandma for a day of acceptable fun.


gabebev2008 says – acknowledgment to this


I would pay to see a sex video of those two. That would be some hot porn.


Yobi Diaz-Vignati says – acknowledgment to this


why do u affliction so abundant about her adulation life?!!! so what if shes adolescent and beneath than him?? i bet they accept hot sex. and im abiding youre dying of envyyy.


angelwolf333 says – acknowledgment to this


i accept annihilation bad to say about her.

but my endure adherent had amoroso issues but she accepted it to me. i was abandoned 8-9 years earlier again her. i was about 31 and she was about 23.

but afterwards we abdicate seeing anniversary added i begin out she absolutely had a amoroso affair she affiliated her dads best acquaintance because her amoroso told her to.her dad is in his 50s so is his best acquaintance that she affiliated afterwards 6 months of dating him.

me and her are still accompany and i accomplish fun of her for this all the time


cookieookie says – acknowledgment to this


That guy is gynormouse! Why do you abhorrence her? Can't amount that one out.


ceramics says – acknowledgment to this

37 it`s attitude to dress up like that at oktoberfest, dumbshit. of advance you wouldn`t apperceive that. is every babe in bavaria a "common beer wench" then? stick to your addled tranny caca and leave appropriate humans alone.

Eliza Dushku Reveals Why She Never Got Her Own Buffy Spin-Off

Filed under: TV News > Eliza Dushku wallpapers

celebrity wallpaper, Hollywood wallpaper, juicy celebrity wallpaper, Perez Hilton wallpaper, Mario Lavandeira wallpaper

When Sarah Michelle Gellar afraid up her pale seven years ago, there were a cyclone of rumors about how the authorization ability reside on with out its blondie beauty.

The a lot of arresting of the rumors was that Eliza Dushku would reprise her role as the askance sister apache Faith in her own aftereffect series. That never came to be and a lot of admirers were appealing disappointed.

Now, Eliza explains why the appearance never happened in a new interview, blaming timing and her gut for the annihilation of the show. She reveals:

“After I accomplished the show, I’d aloof from academy and followed up with a brace of films like "Bring It On", but I’d had such an alarming acquaintance alive with Joss I was accessible to go down that alley again. So I met with Joss and Tim Minear and batten about the abeyant for a Faith spin-off. But Buffy had just gone on seven years and Joss was absolutely straightforward: he couldn’t play the affectionate of circadian role he had on Buffy – he had his family. I adulation Tim Minear, I assurance him aboveboard and it wasn’t that I acquainted after Joss it wasn’t right, but it was a accidental factor. On top of it, I had just played this appearance for about 5 years, it acquainted like time to analyze a altered role. So I concluded up authoritative a accommodation that, admitting searching aback I don’t regret, in hindsight maybe the talks could accept connected a bit longer. It’s a catechism I’ve been asked a gazillion times: ‘Why’d you do Tru Calling and not the Faith spin-off?’ Thing is, even Joss was allotment of allowance me accomplish that decision. He said: ‘I anticipate you accept to chase your gut, which is aggravating something different, and we’ll break accompany so this isn’t goodbye, this is until next time.’”

Yeah, next time didn't plan as able-bodied as you anticipation it ability have. Should accept ashore with accomplishing a Faith spin-off. People would accept absolutely admired that.

Course, if anyone could bang some faculty into the Buffster and get a cine underway, we'd accede that an apology!

Elijah Wood Is A Individual Man Now!

Filed under: Adulation Line >Elijah Wood wallpapers

He's on the loose! Yay!

Sources are advertisement that Elijah Wood and his adherent of 5 years, Gogol Bordello bagman Pamela Racine, accept alleged it quits!

An cabal explains: celebrity wallpaper, Hollywood wallpaper, juicy celebrity wallpaper, Perez Hilton wallpaper, Mario Lavandeira wallpaper

"Elijah just didn't wish to achieve down. The endure affair he capital to do was aching Pamela, but she's appealing cut up about the break-up."

We're sad to apprehend that she's demography the alienation so badly, but her accident is the world's gain!

He can absolutely appear to us if he needs comforting! In fact, it's encouraged, bb!


Read More: Elijah Wood Is A Individual Man Now! | PerezHilton.com http://perezhilton.com/2010-09-27-elijah_wood_and_pamela_racine_break_up#ixzz10oPofM7B

Celebrity Juice, Not from Concentrate

24 comments to “Elijah Wood Is A Individual Man Now!” (RSS feed)


Mad Dog says – acknowledgment to this


Why would anyone wish that little troll?


MelissaGirl says – acknowledgment to this


Dream on.


jaris32 says – acknowledgment to this


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jaris32 says – acknowledgment to this


CelebJunkyz.com - Celebrity News, Celebrity Gossip, Celebrity Blog!


unreal5511 says – acknowledgment to this


as trollish as he is mario, he would never wish you


Pam's acclimated Silicone Breasts says – acknowledgment to this


Now you Bitches accept got me mad; DON'T YOU EVER SAY ANYTHING BAD ABOUT ELIJAH……

I'm Warning You….


poorlittlerichiegirl says – acknowledgment to this


he looks awful like terry richardson


shirenik says – acknowledgment to this


I candidly don't get the abrogating comments about Elijah.. He is GORGEOUS! And such a sweetheart, as well.


GAYCANUCK says – acknowledgment to this


He's freakin' ADORABLE!


shirenik says – acknowledgment to this


Elijah is GORGEOUS, and seems to be a sweetheart, as well.


Big Girl says – acknowledgment to this


Elijah is cool cute! He belongs to the 'adorable' class of guys!


boxergal says – acknowledgment to this


she looks so old compared to him, like his mom or something.


PreTTy*n*PinK says – acknowledgment to this


Elijah is the cutest being ever. I fell in adulation with him if I saw him on Radio Flyer. Those big admirable dejected eyes anesthetize me. He is beautiful and adorable. I adulation him!!!


srebrinam says – acknowledgment to this


OMG I knew it! I knew it! I acquainted it in my gut that he was gonna canal her! Yeeeeeeeeeh the prettiest man anytime is individual again!!!!!!! …..only if I wasn't affiliated all ready, I would absolutely go axis him hahahaha,…….


6one9 says – acknowledgment to this


Trust me on this ““““` As a woman ““ He's FUGLY!! She can do WAY better!!


sonicdahedgehog says – acknowledgment to this


"man"??? you sure?


AnnoyedbyYou says – acknowledgment to this


He didn't wish to achieve down… what he cat-and-mouse for the next life? I assumption he wasn't absolutely in adulation with her. 5 yrs is continued abundant to adjudge if you wish to be affiliated or not.


hello_sua says – acknowledgment to this


Elijah is AMAZING!


brat93111 says – acknowledgment to this


Uh…… He dates Men, and they were just a awning couple. He is apparently cerebration of advancing out anon because so abounding humans already know.


Rageahol says – acknowledgment to this


Wasn't there a contempo Blind Vice about a brilliant who admired asians who are girls on top but guys on the bottom? Absolutely fits with the gay rumours on LOTR.


Cyprus85 says – acknowledgment to this


nooooooo!!!!!!!!…does that beggarly he won't be at anymore Gogol shows???? poor pamela….at atomic she's in the best bandage in the world. maybe eugene can acclamation her up now ;-)


angelwolf333 says – acknowledgment to this


the alone cine i saw him in that i didnt hate. was sin city.

his alone acceptable role. he broke abounding movies for me i deceit angle him 99percent of the time. i anticipate he was acceptable in sin city-limits just because the cine was so alarming even my abhorrence of him could not ruin it for me.


angelwolf333 says – acknowledgment to this


aswell am i the alone one that thinks she looks like a behemothic woman next to him.

he looks like he needs to set on her lap to see over the absolute adults.


jazz99 says – acknowledgment to this


Ugh. Perez you are gross. I anticipate Perez alone get's abuse brawl Hollywood druggie's. No one in their appropriate apperception would blow Perez. He's a abhorrent human.

Read More: Elijah Wood Is A Individual Man Now! | PerezHilton.com http://perezhilton.com/2010-09-27-elijah_wood_and_pamela_racine_break_up#ixzz10oPuUF79

Celebrity Juice, Not from Concentrate

‘Facebook Movie’ Accepting Babble Reviews

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Filed under: Film Flickers wallpapers

We were agnostic about this cine at first, but some aboriginal reviews are advancing in and abounding are touting The Social Network as the best cine of the year.


This is acutely a attestation to the writer, Aaron Sorkin (creator of The West Wing), and administrator David Fincher (directed Fight Club), who were able to about-face a cine that could accept been contemporary into ‘the cine of the year.’

We’re actually not traveling to absence this!

Read More: ‘Facebook Movie’ Accepting Babble Reviews | PerezHilton.com http://perezhilton.com/2010-09-27-facebook_movie_getting_rave_reviews#ixzz10oOgJSni

Celebrity Juice, Not from Concentrate

14 comments to “‘Facebook Movie’ Accepting Babble Reviews” (RSS feed)


urcewt says – acknowledgment to this


it actually is great. i saw it, and its alarming and actually cool. i adulation jesse eisenberg, too. and the guy who played eduardo was HOT!


stellagranos says – acknowledgment to this


The 'early reviews' (as you alarm them) accept been out for over a week.


mali78 says – acknowledgment to this


Re: stellagranos – who cares? why do humans like you appear on this afterimage and accomplish an annual AND an avatar if you abhorrence Perez so much? it actually looks ridiculous


Chinwe Okorie says – acknowledgment to this


can't wait. i wasn't agnostic at all. the examination looks soo good


tasha says – acknowledgment to this


It's been accepting babble reviews for over a anniversary now by all the hardest of critics. Not alone that but all the actors are aswell accepting Oscar fizz forth with the movie. It have to irk the hell out of you that Timberlake is aswell accepting babble reviews and Oscar fizz for his acting too. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL


classyFOXYfabulous says – acknowledgment to this


saw it at a pre screening at PSU. not terrible, but actually not the best cine of the year.


Fyrdanser says – acknowledgment to this


*yawn* I'll put it in my Netflix queue…


Fyrdanser says – acknowledgment to this


Re: mali78 – Re: mali78 – so… if you accomplish an annual AND an avatar, you should blindly accede with aggregate Perez has to say? baaaa…..


poorlittlerichiegirl says – acknowledgment to this


that cine is a agglomeration of garbage


wch1208 says – acknowledgment to this


aboriginal account by trent reznor and atticus ross……….that's actually the best allotment of it chargeless examination at thesocialnetwork website'


Damocles says – acknowledgment to this


Re: mali78 – You're atom on. I saw anyone accuse they had to login everytime they capital to "trash" P. Why bother? They're antic little humans really.


stayhighj says – acknowledgment to this


its kinda harder for me to yield it actively if it has justin timberlake in it….but able-bodied see..


hungrykittykat says – acknowledgment to this


I saw a screening and i was actually fantastic. Jesse was phenominal in this role and the autograph was so quick witted and on it. I was actually afraid and I anticipate this is traveling to do abundantly well. I achievement I get to see it again! =D

菊子曰 今天你菊子曰了么?

Becks' Alleged Hooker Wants To Prove Her Innocence Through His Peen

Filed under: Legal Matters > Adulation Line > David Beckham wallpaper> Sad Sad


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Yes, the whore has an abstraction that we anticipate a lot of humans would account from.

Irma Nici is still semi in hiding, alone dabbling her prostitute face out of her aerial aperture continued abundant to abjure David Beckham's claims that he DID NOT pay to beddy-bye with her.

The big hit adjoin the whore is that she has no affidavit to abutment her affirmation that she got active with Becks, but 26-year-old Bosnian hooker has a few added tricks up her sleeves. She insists that she has apparent "distinguishing characteristics" which would abutment her adventure and invites Beckham to bead his draws to prove that she is right.

Um, we affectionate of like area she is traveling with this. We just ambition it wasn't her allurement for it!

Of course, Team Beckham is vowing to stop her escapade at all costs and is even planning on advancement their bid to sue her! On antecedent abutting to the Beckham association says that this latest attack to prove the aspersion should be "seen for what it is - the ravings of a atrocious woman."

All true, but we would adulation to see Becks prove her wrong!

C'mon! Just a peek?!

菊子曰 今天你菊子曰了么?

Sunday, September 26, 2010

notorious gossip columnist: Johnny Knoxville Gets Affiliated After Two-Day Eng...

notorious gossip columnist: Johnny Knoxville Gets Affiliated After Two-Day Eng...: "Filed under: Love Line > Johnny Knoxville We'd apprehend something like this from him! Jackass' Johnny Knoxville affiliated adherent of two..."

notorious gossip columnist: Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps Kicks Ass At The B...

notorious gossip columnist: Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps Kicks Ass At The B...: "Filed under: Ben Affleck > Film Flickers > Shia LaBeouf It's addition hit for Shia LaBeouf! The aftereffect to 1987's Wall Street was the a..."

notorious gossip columnist: Kim Kardashian Is Rollin'!

notorious gossip columnist: Kim Kardashian Is Rollin'!: "Filed under: Kim Kardashian Literally! celebrity wallpaper, Hollywood wallpaper, juicy celebrity wallpaper, Perez Hilton wallpaper, Mario L..."

Kim Kardashian Is Rollin'!

Filed under: Kim Kardashian

Literally! celebrity wallpaper, Hollywood wallpaper, juicy celebrity wallpaper, Perez Hilton wallpaper, Mario Lavandeira wallpaper

Kim Kardashian  bought herself a cher new car - a Rolls Royce Ghost. And if we say pricey, we're talking $250,000, which is account added than some people's homes.

She was spotted assuming off her "baby" to LaLa Vazquez as the two headed for banquet at Nobu in West Hollywood, CA.

She after tweeted that her abode was apparitional because she saw a "ghost." Ha. Clever.

Girlfriend is alive harder for the money!

菊子曰 这就是菊子曰啦!

Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps Kicks Ass At The Box Office

Filed under: Ben Affleck > Film Flickers > Shia LaBeouf

It's addition hit for Shia LaBeouf!

The aftereffect to 1987's Wall Street was the amount one cine this weekend, bringing in $19.9 million.

Co-starring Michael Douglas, Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps gave administrator Oliver Stone his best box appointment aperture yet. Pretty absorbing for a 23-year-old sequel.

The weird, awful cine about owls with the cool continued title, Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole, came in amount two with $16.3 million.

Ben Affleck's The Town was still traveling able in its third week, advancing in at amount three with $16 million, while Easy A and You Again angled out the top five.

What did U see this weekend??

celebrity wallpaper, Hollywood wallpaper, juicy celebrity wallpaper, Perez Hilton wallpaper, Mario Lavandeira wallpaper

Read More: Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps Kicks Ass At The Box Appointment | PerezHilton.com http://perezhilton.com/2010-09-26-wall-street-money-never-sleeps-is-number-one-film-at-box-office#ixzz10i2lETv6

Celebrity Juice, Not from Concentrate

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Johnny Knoxville Gets Affiliated After Two-Day Engagement!

Filed under: Love Line > Johnny Knoxville

We'd apprehend something like this from him!

Jackass' Johnny Knoxville affiliated adherent of two years, Naomi Nelson, yesterday.

And the brace had just gone assurance ring arcade just two canicule above-mentioned to their nuptials! celebrity wallpaper, Hollywood wallpaper, juicy celebrity wallpaper, Perez Hilton wallpaper, Mario Lavandeira wallpaper

The ring was said to be an Edwardian 2.50 carat from El Lay's Platt Boutique Jewerly. Jeweller Larry Platt said, "Naomi was fatigued to this ring because it is clashing annihilation she had seen–feminine, aerial and detailed."

Whoa! Classy!

The brace accept a 9-month-old son, Rocco, and Johnny has a daughter, Madison, from a antecedent marriage.

Congrats to the blessed couple!

Read More: Johnny Knoxville Gets Affiliated After Two-Day Engagement! | PerezHilton.com http://perezhilton.com/2010-09-26-jackass-johnny-knoxville-gets-married-after-two-day-engagement#ixzz10i3iUpQ3

Celebrity Juice, Not from Concentrate

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notorious gossip columnist: Nadine Coyle Is Too Sekski For TV!

notorious gossip columnist: Nadine Coyle Is Too Sekski For TV!: "celebrity wallpaper, Hollywood wallpaper, juicy celebrity wallpaper, Perez Hilton wallpaper, Mario Lavandeira wallpaper Filed under: Anglop..."

Completely Gratuitous

 Filed under: Gay Gay Gay > Yummy Yummy Screw > Matt Bomer desktop

celebrity wallpaper, Hollywood wallpaper, juicy celebrity wallpaper, Perez Hilton wallpaper, Mario Lavandeira wallpaper

Just run to us, bb, run to US!!!!

Openly gay amateur Matt Boner Bomer was spotted on area accomplishing some array of activity arena (we don't even care, just let us watch him run), for his TV appearance White Collar at Battery Park in NYC.

So delish!!

Read More: Completely Gratuitous | PerezHilton.com http://perezhilton.com/2010-09-26-matthew-bomer-running-on-set-of-white-collar-in-new-york-city#ixzz10hxduNZd

Celebrity Juice, Not from Concentrate

菊子曰 今天你菊子曰了么?

Nadine Coyle Is Too Sekski For TV!

celebrity wallpaper, Hollywood wallpaper, juicy celebrity wallpaper, Perez Hilton wallpaper, Mario Lavandeira wallpaper

Filed under: Anglophilia > Nadine Coyle desktop> Twitter

The song may be bland, but it sounds like it has a hot video!!

Nadine Coyle's aboriginal abandoned individual Insatiable was appealing disappointing, however, Nadine has said on her Twitter that her video for the song "failed a analysis for TV."

The video was affected to aback for a re-edit afterwards it was accounted "a little adult for TV."

Nadine said, "It was so abundant fun authoritative the video - even admitting I was sprayed with baptize and had a bad close afterwards afterwards all the hair flicking and agitation out I did!"

Oooh, sounds hawt! We wanna see!

Read More: Celebrity account dank celebrity rumors Hollywood account blog from Perez Hilton http://perezhilton.com/page/2/#ixzz10hyck1rJ

Celebrity Juice, Not from Concentrate

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Princess Eugenie Is A PAArty Girl!!

Filed under: Anglophilia > Royals Royce wallpaper

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Ruh-roh! Someone's about to get into trouble!

The babe of Duchess of York Sarah Ferguson had no botheration assuming for pics that went from asinine to absolute atrocious if a acquaintance acquaint Facebook pictures of Angel Eugenie wallpaperacting asinine and out of control.

Many of the pictures appearance the angel badinage about with friends, but some appearance her dancing, downing shots, and smoker while cutting absolute clothes.

She aswell acquaint on her Facebook contour that she is "single" and searching for "random play."


According to a ancestors friend, "Even her ancestor admits she is accountable to be a bit of a tearaway. She's a cantankerous amid Prince Harry and Angel Margaret."


Read More: Angel Eugenie Is A PAArty Girl!! | PerezHilton.com http://perezhilton.com/2010-09-26-daughter-of-duchess-of-york-princess-eugenie-is-a-party-girl#ixzz10hzMEkyp

Celebrity Juice, Not from Concentrate

菊子曰 今天你菊子曰了么?

Our Favorite First Lady Meets With Michelle Obama!

celebrity wallpaper, Hollywood wallpaper, juicy celebrity wallpaper, Perez Hilton wallpaper, Mario Lavandeira wallpaper

Filed under: Politik > Michelle Obama desktop


We adulation the First Lady of Cameroon!! She's too angry for words!!

First Lady Chantal Biya met with our First Lady Michelle Obama at the Stone Barns Centre in Pocantico Hills, New York to altercate the advantageous diet program, pioneered by Mrs. Obama.

First Lady Biya was cutting a bright pantsuit and was antic some FABOOSH hair!

Who would U say is best dressed??

菊子曰 今天你菊子曰了么?

Lindsay Affairs To Acknowledgment To Adjust For The Millionth Time

Filed under: Lindsay Lohan > Drugs > Britney Spears > Dina Lohan > Michael Lohan wallpaper

She's just aggravating to save face!!

Sources say that Lindsay Lohan is austere about accretion (Right, like we haven't heard that one before) and is planning to acknowledgment to rehab.

What is this, like her 4th….5th….97th attack at rehab???

The antecedent says, "She will footfall up her analysis and do added than what she was ahead ordered to do," abacus that she affairs to voluntarily analysis herself in soon.

As for now, Lindsay's been ordered to abrasion a SCRAM armlet and has to abstain places "where booze is the arch account of sale."

At this point, we'd acclaim a conservator a la Britney Spears, but with parents like Dina and Michael, she's apparently bigger off on her own.

celebrity wallpaper, Hollywood wallpaper, juicy celebrity wallpaper, Perez Hilton wallpaper, Mario Lavandeira wallpaper

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Zachary Quinto In Angels In America

Zachary Quinto In Angels In America

Filed under: Gay Gay Gay > Broadway Babies > Zachary Quinto > Zachary Quinto Wallpapers !

Zachary Quinto is currently arena Louis Ironson in Angels in America: A Gay Fantasia wallpaper on National Themes at the Signature Theater in New York and he looks fantastic!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

notorious gossip columnist: Candy Spelling Gets Abstinent Adjustment Adjoin St...

notorious gossip columnist: Candy Spelling Gets Abstinent Adjustment Adjoin St...: "celebrity wallpaper, Hollywood wallpaper, juicy celebrity wallpaper, Perez Hilton wallpaper, Mario Lavandeira wallpaper Filed under: Legal ..."

Will.i.am & Cheryl Tweedy, Together Afresh In The Studio!

Filed under: Music Minute > Cheryl Tweedy

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If you admired their plan on 3 Words, get accessible for even added collaborations.

According to sources, Black Eyed Peas frontman Will.i.am is currently alive with Cheryl Tweedy on her new album, Messy Little Raindrops. Reportedly, they secretly laid down some advance while Cheryl was visiting El Lay beforehand in the month.

A abutting antecedent to the rapper says that Will "can't accommodate his excitement" over alive with Cheryl afresh and has been "gushing" over how acceptable all their advance are.

If all things go to plan, we'll get to apprehend these agitative advance by the end of the year. Again we'll acquaint you what we think!

Till then, we just achievement Cheryl isn't alive herself too hard! We wish to see a bout on top of a new album!!

Read More: Will.i.am & Cheryl Tweedy, Together Afresh In The Studio!

Celebrity Juice, Not from Concentrate

Candy Spelling Gets Abstinent Adjustment Adjoin Stalker

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Filed under: Legal Matters > Candy Spelling

He accept to be sick! Why would she accept a stalker?!

Candy Spelling has been accepted her abstinent adjustment adjoin 38-year-old Diyahml Farrakhan Muhammad, her "mentally ill stalker."

He was arrested on August 31st alfresco her home and placed on a 5150 psychiatric hold. Candy claims he has been alfresco the abode at atomic nine times.

Muhammad accept to break 100 yards abroad from Candy until 2013.


Read More: Candy Spelling Gets Abstinent Adjustment Adjoin Stalker | PerezHilton.com http://perezhilton.com/2010-09-22-candy_spelling_granted_restraining_order_against_diyahml_farrakhan_muhammad#ixzz10Jj1Zkqy

Celebrity Juice, Not from Concentrate

Lindsanity Furious At saMAN For Attending Nicole Richie's Bachlorette Party

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Filed under: Lindsay Lohan > Nicole Richie > saMAN Ronson

Insane! It's not like they are dating anymore!

Lindsay Lohan is pissed at saMAN for traveling to Nicole Richie's bachelorette affair in Cabo this accomplished weekend.

The wacktress "went crazy" aggravating to amount out who accompanied Ronson and the trip. Not to acknowledgment that she "couldn't get permission to leave the country . . . and wasn't invited."

And whose accountability is that?!

Unfortunately, LOLhan cannot about-face down the crazy and "kept aggravating to clue down Sam."

Sad. She absolutely needs help!

Read More: Lindsanity Furious At saMAN For Attending Nicole Richie's Bachlorette Affair | PerezHilton.com http://perezhilton.com/2010-09-22-lindsay_lohan_mad_at_samanta_ronson_for_going_to-nicole_richies_bachlorette_party_in_cabo#ixzz10JiUnI6e

Celebrity Juice, Not from Concentrate

Robbie DeNiro Hangs With New Bestie Leo Usher

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Filed under: Old People > Usher

Robert De Niro keeps absorbing aggregation these days.

On the heels of letters that the allegorical amateur was chatting up Leonard DiCaprio, sources are adage that Robert was spotted air-conditioned with Usher endure night at Premiere in Hollywood. Usher arrive Robert to his VIP table in the balustrade of the club and watched on as impersonators did a bit from Raging Bull. Apparently, De Niro got a bang out of it!

We'll authority off annoying about Robbie until we see him pAArtying with

Tom Cruise And Katie Holmes In Prague

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What brings Tom Cruise to Prague, you ability ask?

Aside from demography a adventurous airing with Katie Holmes (above), Tom is area aloof for Mission:Impossible 4.

Maybe they'll accord Katie a role in the movie, and the next time they're apparent calm in Prague, instead of walking together, they'll be active on rooftops or ample through vents or something!

Read More: Celebrity account dank celebrity rumors Hollywood account blog from Perez Hilton http://perezhilton.com/#ixzz10JYXPEj9

Celebrity Juice, Not from Concentrate

Lil' Kim, Is That You?!

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What in back-alley botox hell is this mess?!

Check out (above) the HOriffic new photo shoot that what's larboard of Lil' Kim did for Kontrol Magazine!

What the fuck did she do to her face?!

She looks like some array of paralyzed, mutated swamp donkey!

Just…disturbing. Wow. Poor thing.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Kevin James Is An Action Star?!

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Filed under: Blur Flickers

That seems appealing harder to believe!

Kevin James has active on to brilliant in an untitled alloyed aggressive arts film. It will activate cutting next year and James will aswell serve as a producer.

The blur centers about a physics abecedary and in adjustment to save his best friend's job and the music affairs his acceptance adulation from desperate cutbacks, he moonlights as a alloyed aggressive arts fighter. And that eventually leads to angry in the UFC.

LOLz. We're aggravating to brainstorm him in those outfits!

Yikes! Will U be seeing it?!


Tumor Be Damned! Michael Douglas Going To Wall Street Premiere!

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We're abiding as continued as he takes it easy, he'll be okay.

Michael Douglas' publicist, Allen Burry, has appear out to affirm that his applicant is set to airing the red carpeting for his new cine Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps next Wednesday, admitting getting diagnosed with throat cancer.

As far as his progress, Allen acknowledges that the chemo has taken a lot out of Michael and that he is accepting to plan through his affliction on a "day-to-day" basis. However, admitting his arduous treatments, Michael has assurance and is authoritative accomplishment to be accessible for the premiere. Allen explains:

"He would like to appear the premiere and appearance his abutment for the movie. He knows that's allotment of the job and he's appreciative of the movie."

What a trooper! Maybe he could just airing the carpet, affectation for pictures, but not too abounding interview. Keep the talking to a minimum with the press. The man does charge his rest!

Completely Gratuitous

Completely Gratuitous

Filed under: Yummy Yummy Screw

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Check out these fabulously seksi pics of Freida Pinto assuming off some SERIOUS leg in GQ!

That Dev Patel is one advantageous guy!

FOX To Announce Idol Board On Wednesday

In added words, they're traveling to acquaint us what we already know.

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FOX has appear that next Wednesday, American Idol host Ryan Seacrest will be actualization the new agency of board for the advancing 10th division of Idol.

Course, he could aswell just save his animation and just nod if we say it's set to be Steve Tyler, Jennifer Lopez and the aboriginal dawg, Randy Jackson.

Unless, of course, they've afflicted their minds and wish Perez instead?! We're still bold if you are!!!

Big Trucks Wallpapers

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Jaden Smith Is Hooking Bieber Up With His Dad!

Jaden Smith Is Hooking Bieber Up With His Dad!

Oh no! Do we accept addition Timberpussy bearings on our hands?! Please, no!!!

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Sources are acknowledging that Justin Bieber is in some abundant talks to brilliant in Will Smith's new movie. The talents collided anon afterwards Justin helped Will's son, Jaden Smith, almanac the affair song to his flick, The Karate Kid. During the recording, Justin bidding his absorption in accomplishing added acting

Now, Biebs' manager, Scooter Braun, has accepted that the accessible CSI arena actor is alive on a "top secret" affection blur activity produced by Will and his company, Overbrook. According to Scoot, they are acquisitive to go into assembly ancient in bounce or summer of next year.

We just achievement Bieber doesn't chase the Timberlake route! Music needs to be his #1 priority!

Not too mucha acting!!!!

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